Drought in the Amazon affects more than 600,000 people. IRI Brazil supports the below organizations that are fundraising for the cause.

Indigenous communities in Amazonas need your support! The Articulation of Indigenous Organizations and Peoples of Amazonas (Apiam) and the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (Coiab) are counting on your support to collect donations.

The funds will be used to buy food, drinking water and guarantee other resources for indigenous communities that are isolated due to the drought.

Help the indigenous communities affected by the drought by sending a pix to apiam2022@gmail.com

Any amount is welcome!

Find out more at instagram.com/coiabamazonia/

The drought in the Amazon territories has reached an alarming level this year. In response to this critical situation, Cáritas Brasileira and the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), in collaboration with the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM-Brasil), have launched the 'SOS AMAZONIA: SUPPORT LIFE, DONATE NOW' campaign. The goal of this campaign is to assist families facing hardship during this emergency period in the Amazon. The funds raised through the campaign will be used to purchase essential items, which will then be distributed to families in need through the Catholic Church's solidarity network in the regions affected by the drought.

Make your donation now and join this network of solidarity in defense of the lives of the people of the Amazon! 

Pix to 33.654.419.0001-16 (CNPJ)

Find out more at https://repam.org.br/

The drought in the Amazon has already affected more than 633,000 people, including 158,000 families and more than 20,000 children. Visão Mundial is raising funds to help families affected by the drought in the Amazon. From R$80, you can help provide basic food baskets, drinking water and basic health care for these families.

Visão Mundial has been working in the Brazilian Amazon for over 25 years and has expanded its reach to protect children and Amazon biodiversity in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela through its Amazon Basin Initiative. Amazonian communities depend on river transportation for access to food, health services and education. It is estimated that more than 2,200 children are unable to attend school due to the severe drought in Manaus, Brazil.

To help, send a pix to sos@visaomundial.org, and become a partner in this action.

Together we are stronger! Find out more at https://visaomundial.org.br/

Considering that the situation caused by the fires is worsening because it coincides with the dry season in the north of the country, researchers from the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability in the Amazon are also promoting the SOS Amazonas Campaign to collect food, water and personal hygiene items to deliver to the São Sebastião Community, one of the populations affected by the effects of the historic drought in the Amazon. "The community was chosen on the basis of the Civil Defense's list of affected communities and is an initiative of the postgraduate students in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability in the Amazon (Master's and Doctorate)," says Thaís Alves, a doctoral student at PPGCASA.

Those interested in collaborating with the campaign can deliver food and personal hygiene items to the Environmental Sciences Center, South sector of the Arthur Virgílio Filho University Campus or send Pix to: fabíola.souza@ufam.edu.br

Find out more at https://ufam.edu.br