Visit to Manaus provides new partnerships for IRI-Brazil

IRI Brazil's National Facilitator, Carlos Vicente, spent March carrying out activities in Manaus (AM), where he was able to establish new partnerships and start conversations with religious leaders and technical and scientific experts linked to the environmental agenda.

One of the events was the annual meeting of the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force, in which a briefing to GCF members about IRI Brazil's work plan for 2022 and made a presentation to the environment secretaries of the nine states of the Brazilian Amazon. Secretary Eduardo Taviera included the partnership with IRI Brazil in the action plan of the Manaus Charter, the final document of the GCF meeting.

Still in the capital, the IRI-Brazil Facilitator visited the Amazon Research Institute to explore possibilities for a potential immersion visit by Brazilian religious leaders. The aim will be to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the Amazon rainforest, offering inspiring experiences and access to cutting-edge scientific research.

Another activity was meetings with religious leaders to invite them to take part in the activities planned for the year. As well as meetings with REPAM's coordinator, João Gutemberg Coelho.