IRI Brazil and religious organizations urge authorities to halt violence in the Amazon.
Brazilian religious leaders from various spiritual traditions, members of the Council of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative in Brazil (IRI-Brazil), sent a message on Saturday morning

INPE hosts IRI
On May 25, 2022, we received at the National Institute for Space Research – INPE, a research unit of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation

IRI Brasil aprova dois projetos para a produção do Filme “Amazônia Virtual”
IRI Brazil obtained project approval for the production of the film 'Virtual Amazon,' in partnership with the Climate and Society Institute (ICS), with a budget of

IRI Brazil conducts training for Amazonian leaders at INPE and CEMADEN, in the São Paulo region
On May 24 and 25, IRI Brazil organized a training for 17 Amazonian leaders on climate change and deforestation prevention

Act of solidarity with indigenous peoples brings together religious leaders at the 'Terra Livre' camp
A group of religious leaders associated with the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative in Brazil staged a protest against the Environmental Destruction Package during the plenary session

Religious institutions send an open letter to the Supreme Court against the approval of the bills that make up the environmental destruction package
In April, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) began the trial of seven environmental lawsuits that favor land grabbing, the release